Articles by Andy Wright

Andy Wright: What do customers want?
Published on: September 25, 2024
IRN columnist Andy Wright outlines the important rental service components for customers, and reveals why price isn’t necessarily a top factor
Andy Wright: ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’
Published on: August 06, 2024
IRN columnist reveals why culture is critical for businesses
How can rental companies tackle the skills shortage?
Published on: July 09, 2024
IRN columnist Andy Wright looks at how rental companies can be proactive in their effort to find solutions to this critical issue
Andy Wright column: lessons from a career in rental
Published on: October 26, 2023
How to create a winning team and ‘system of play’
Generalist or specialist rental: Is it possible to be both?
Published on: May 09, 2023
Sunbelt Rentals UK CEO explains how companies can succeed at both models of competition
IRN Column: what does a purpose driven business look like?
Published on: February 07, 2023
Sunbelt Rentals CEO on the importance of purpose within organisations
What role do humans play in the technology revolution?
Published on: January 05, 2023
Humans still have a role to play in business despite technological advances
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un líder y un gerente?
Published on: December 20, 2022
El columnista de IRN , Andy Wright, comparte sus puntos de vista sobre ambos roles
Qual a diferença entre um líder e um gerente?
Published on: December 20, 2022
O colunista da IRN , Andy Wright, compartilha suas opiniões sobre ambas as funções
What’s the difference between a leader and a manager?
Published on: November 22, 2022
Andy Wright, CEO of Sunbelt Rentals explores the roles of leadership
What was behind the Sunbelt Rentals rebrand?
Published on: August 01, 2022
The rental company, formerly known as A-Plant decided to rebrand in 2020
Can sustainability be profitable for rental companies?
Published on: June 17, 2022
Andy Wright, CEO of Sunbelt Rentals UK explores the links between profit and sustainability
Rental sustainability: how to attract and retain talent
Published on: April 26, 2022
Wright Column: What are the challenges and benefits of acquiring talent?
Rental and the ‘three Ps’ of sustainability
Published on: March 07, 2022
Wright column: Andy Wright on the low emission ecosystem and the Net Zero transition
Rental and sustainability: unpacking the issues
Published on: January 30, 2022
Wright Column: what sustainability really means and the role of equipment rental in a circular economy